Celebrating Our New Graduates

at Body College Galway

Back Row: Kate O' Dwyer, Mairéad Feeney, Eva Porter, Anne Hennessy, Ruth Smith, Eleanor McIntyre, Signe Dempelsone

Front Row: Valerie Maldiney, Ali Boylan, Julie Oredam, Cillian Groll, Ciara Ni Dhiomasaigh (Tutor), Josef Steiner (Tutor).

At Body College Galway, we are thrilled to announce the graduation of our 5th cohort of students from the two-year Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy (BCST) training program. They celebrated their graduation in the serene and beautiful setting of Bridget’s Garden, a wholesome and picturesque backdrop for this special occasion.

Over the past two years, our students have immersed themselves in the study and practice of BCST, developing the skills necessary to create safe, therapeutic spaces for their clients. This approach fosters a profound inner awareness and represents a paradigm shift, cultivating presence as a therapeutic tool. The process is transformative on many levels. As they step into their clinics as qualified BCST practitioners, we are confident that they will bring a deep sense of safety, healing, and therapeutic presence to their work.

Our commitment at Body College Galway goes beyond training; we strive to build a strong community of support, connection, and continuous learning. This was evident as we celebrated not just the graduation, but also the enduring relationships and networks formed throughout the training.

We are also pleased to share that Mairead Lavan, a past student, has recently been appointed as the Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Irish Association of Cranio Sacral Therapists (IACST). Mairead’s visit to our students during their final seminar was a source of inspiration and encouragement. She highlighted the support that IACST provides and how we can support the organisation. There are already volunteers from this training group offering their time and expertise to the organisation, including computer skills and more. Mairead's journey from student to a key role in the IACST exemplifies the growth and opportunities that are possible with time and effort in this field.

Congratulations to all our new graduates. We look forward to witnessing the positive impact you will make in the field of BCST. A warm welcome to Mairead in her new role, and we are excited about the continued growth and evolution of our BCST Body College Galway community.

Ciara Ní Dhiomasaigh, Body College Galway Tutor

IACST Meet with Body College Galway Graduates

Back Row:Valerie Maldiney, Kate O' Dwyer, Gareth Toner (Tutor), Ali Boylan, Signe Dempelsone, Mairéad Lavan (IACST PRO), Mairéad Feeney, Tara Dowling (Tutor), Julie Oredam,

Front Row: Ciara Ni Dhiomasaigh (Tutor), Cillian Groll, Ruth Smith, Eleanor McIntyre, Anne Hennessy, Josef Steiner (Tutor).




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