Personal Profile webpage on the IACST Website

The IACST provides members with a cost effective webpage on the IACST website. An IACST Profile Page offers an affordable way for members to advertise their services. It provides potential clients with details about the member and their practice, including operating hours, contact information, website and social media links, photos, logos, and location. 

The Members Profile Page website is linked to the Members listing on the IACST online register. Benefits of the Members Profile Page include:

  • Members have a unique web address which can be published on their promotional  literature or included on peronalised IACST litrature.
  • The web address will incorporate the Members name or practice for example or
  • The webaddress is affiliated with the IACST which confirms that the Member is registered with and recognised by their professional body.
  • Members have an oppotunity to showcase more information about themselves and their practice across two pages.
  • A Members Profile Page costs €50 per annum.
  • After paying the profile page fee, you will receive member login details, including a username and password, enabling you to enter information and create your own webpage.
  • If you require assistance to create this profile page you will need to submit all information and pictures and the IACST can create the webpage for you for an administration fee of €25.


  • Members may choose to purchase a Members Profile Page while completing their membership application.
  • Members may purchase a Members Profile Page at any other time by contacting
  • For an example of a Members Profile Page please visit:


Sample Members Profile Page


Personalised IACST Digital Promotional Leaflet

The IACST provides members with cost effective personalised digital IACST branded Leaflet explaing Craniosacral Therapy to members of the public and promoting the Member with their names and details listed.

The IACST has two Information Leaflets avalaible to purchase,

  • Craniosacral Therapy for Adults, 
  • Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Children.

These Leaflets:

  • are a valuable resouce to give detailed information and promote Craniosacral Therapy.
  • will be personalised with the details provided by the Member, including your IACST registered membership number.
  • require a once off payment and the Member receives a personalised digital Leaflet, allowing for members to email a copy to clients, potential clients and enable printing.
  • cost €40 each for the Adult or Child Brochure, and €60 if purchasing both at the same time.


  •  these leaflets may only be used by current members of the IACST, past Members are not permitted to use IACST branded litrature which promotes an expired IACST registered member number.
  • Change of details is considered a new brochure and will be charged as above.
  • PDF will be received once all membership application steps have been completed.
  • In the membership application process you will be asked if you wish to purchase a Digital  Adult or Child Leaflet and requested to submit details.
  • If you have already completed your membership and now wish to request Leaflets email with:
    • which Brochures you wish to purchase
    • Details that you wish placed on the brochure                                                    Example: Name, Membership Number, Address, Phone, website, instagram etc
  • You will be sent a payment link and PDF will be prepared and emailed on receipt of payment.

Sample personalised Leaflet



Quick Links



Sample Profile Page




Sample personalised Leaflet 
























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